The Brigham & Karmel Larson Family Piano Blog - Brigham's Mornings - Tuning & Technical Work

Brigham's Mornings - Tuning & Technical Work

Karmel Larson

I love his smile because I know he LOVES what he is doing. I have tried to convince him to not tune in homes anymore because he is so needed and so busy at the store and running the piano shop and we have 5 other technicians who can do that! Alas, he always tells me.... "I'll never stop tuning for my customers in their homes because I LOVE IT!" That's what that smile says to me. And I know he's right. He loves it and when chasing the "American Dream" and building a business, you have to keep doing what you LOVE simultaneously! I think he loves all of it though... because he also loves being at the store and helping families pick out their new piano and running the shop with our unified team of amazing technicians. I think he's just one of those happy kind of guys who goes around with a smile loving pianos, loving people and loving the great team that we work with (and loving his family). It makes me so happy to know that his work makes him so happy! I just think he's a great guy and .... that's why I married him! Thanks Clark for the photo!

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