From Brigham & Karmel Larson Family & the Team at Brigham Larson Pianos!
Scroll to see the family updates and how we've all grown up over the years together.

Brielle Larson (7 Years Old)
From daddy's lap to all grown up on horseback!
Brielle is our official piano shop mascot, often on dad's lap in front of a piano or in the refinishing shop "helping" (& getting a treat). Makes sense, "she's" the mascot because she loves animals more than any little girl EVER! She got to ride horses this year, be a unicorn and she's campaigning for a puppy!

Louis (10 Years Old)
From mama's practice lap to dad's piano demo lap to driving the piano moving truck!
Louis is growing up too fast! He's a mighty strong ninja on the piano moving crew and for Halloween this year! He was "Jack" in a theater production and is a jack of all trades in the shop, though the refinishing room is his favorite. Fortunately, he works for cheap and will do just about anything for a Hersheys bar.

Joseph (12 Years Old)
From being carried by mom at our grand opening to now carrying dad!
JoJo is usually found with a bro-bud and is always a willing helper to lend a hand or a hammer! He's now officially taller than mom, so his braun and height are a new developing asset, though his engineering mind is pretty amazing too! He was selected for the UVU STEM Summer program and loves to read (even when not required to!)

Josh (14 Years Old)
From dad's backpack to dad's sidekick!
Growing up staring at pianos from dad's back, must have influenced the entrepreneurial side of Josh. He is our first to find, rebuild and sell a piano (with some help from the BLP Team). He's a builder by nature and just finished the treehouse with dad, just in time for inviting 80+ friends to his backyard birthday party! And... he got to travel to TX with dad to repair a special piano (& see the sights).

Brig Jr. (16 Years Old)
From booster seat piano poundin' to high school jazz band jammin'!
When Brig was a baby, we'd push him over to the piano (his happy place) in his highchair. We don't have to push him to play anymore... we just show up and record the high school jazz concerts! And who knew that this "music" family would LOVE watching football games as much as we do. Brig is a thrilling player to watch as he demolishes and smashes... even winning a concussion trophy as proof! Now that he's 16 and driving, he's graduated from shop helper to piano mover, even doing overnight trips to the coast and back with bros.

Thayne (18 Years Old)
From selling show tickets to owning the stage!
Thayne was our ticket taker when we hosted "Brigham's Concert Series" for years, from our first piano store location when he was a little guy. Now he's a big guy and LOVES to be ON stage! He performed with the Scera Acting Up Troupe this past year and performed almost weekly & brought home trophies from nationals in CA (mom got to go chaperone - best ever)! He was Prince Eric in the parade and sings with the UVU Men's Choir. His most frequented stage though is our family room where he is constantly inundated with requests to sing!

Abby - Hermana Larson (19 Years Old)
From piano teacher to missionary, "Hermana Larson" in Atlanta, GA!
Abby has been a natural teacher for years and had a full piano studio before leaving on her mission this past year. She is learning Spanish and now gets to teach about Christ. When the church members in her area found out she played hard and piano, they found a hard and a piano to put into her missionary apartment and have put her to work accompanying and performing and most meetings, baptisms, trainings and conferences! She is loving it!

Ben Larson (21 Years Old)
From playing with dad's piano tools to playing with fire & rockets, to plating & 3D printing!
Ben took a break from BYU to pursue his passion for nuclear rocket fuel research at NASA. He's now finishing his Chemical Engineering degree at BYU and building his first business, Radiance Plating, and mentoring his dad on cad and 3D modeling and printing for piano parts and finish work. Those two are having just as much fun now with their big boy tools as they had tearing apart and restoring pianos when Ben was tiny. The big shift though... is that Ben is now the one training how to use the tools!

Brigham & Karmel (23 Years Together)
From naive newlyweds to national entrepreneurs!
We are living the dream! This new era of entrepreneurship has taken us to new levels of joy that we never even knew to dream of. Having our adult and teen children work with us and having that excuse to have them around as much as possible is such a delight. AND we have the best team EVER, who keep things running so smoothly that we occasionally have a moment to catch our breath or take a day off. Oh man... grown up kids and a grown up team is living the good life! And... we had a little fun aging with FaceLab! Hope you enjoyed it!

BLP-Brigham Larson Pianos (28 Years Old)
From garage to warehouse showroom to mega piano store to national rebuilder!
BLP has grown up right along with the rest of us! In our newlywed condo, Brigham would bring home piano actions and refurbish them on the floor. Now we rebuild pianos from coast to coast. Just last month, 14 deliveries and pick ups of pianos all across the nation. We don't have time to take the family on ALL of the interstate piano moves, but we do LOVE it when we can all pile into the RV and make memories on the road!