Piano Lessons Blog - 5 Ways to Encourage Piano Practice Over Christmas Break

5 Ways to Encourage Piano Practice Over Christmas Break

Karmel Larson

Can you believe it's halfway through December?? The holidays are FLYING by. And while we definitely believe in taking some time to relax and just celebrate, Christmas is also a great time to reinvigorate your child's interest in piano lessons. Here are five ways you can encourage piano practice over Christmas break!

1. Enjoy lots of Christmas music!

This one's easy when there's so much great stuff out there. You can listen to Christmas music in the car, when you're decorating, while you cook... the possibilities are endless. Bonus points if you point out the cool piano part in your favorite song.

2. Sing Christmas carols together

You can do this with or without the piano, but chances are that if you spend some time caroling (to others or in your own house) your kids will want to learn to play along. (One of my favorite family traditions is singing through all of our favorite Christmas hymns after Christmas Eve dinner. All the pianists in the family take turns accompanying!)

3. Hold a family piano recital

If you have family in town or are traveling to be with loved ones, think about holding a mini-recital in someone's house. It's a low-pressure performance opportunity, and nobody is more encouraging than the family members you don't get to see very often. You could include family members who play other instruments, dance, act, etc., and make it a variety show!

4. Attend a holiday concert

There are still TONS of concerts and events across Utah, lots of them kid-friendly and many of them free. Going to concerts is a great way to encourage your kids to keep up their piano practice. Seeing an amazing artist in concert might be just what they need to remind them how much they love being a musician. Here's a list of events to get you started if you're looking for something to attend.

5. Encourage your kids to use music to serve others

Our Piano Academy students do this every quarter in our Community Outreach recitals, but the holidays are also a wonderful time to do this. Music is an incredible way to spread the spirit of Christmas, especially to those who might be lonely! Consider visiting a nursing home, a rehab center, retirement center, or anywhere else you can think of to sing or play some beautiful music.

Do you have any more ideas to add to our list? We'd love to hear from you!

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