Piano Academy Student of the Month: Savannah!
Karmel LarsonShare
This month, we are highlighting a student who exemplifies our virtue of the month - CHARITY for the month of February - in everything she does. Savannah just started at the Piano Academy a couple of months ago, and she consistently impresses us with her Christlike love for others. Here's what Savannah's mom shared with us about her:
"Savannah is the oldest of five children in her family and is adored by her three younger sisters and her brother Jimmy. Savannah has a beautiful smile and truly loves life! She is always looking for the good in others and in all situations. While she is tender hearted, she is also tough as nails! She loves to set goals and works very hard to achieve them. She started at the Piano Conservatory this past December and it is a dream come true for her! She loves her teachers, learning about composers, and of course earning "bucks" for practice time! Her love for music is something that makes her very unique in our family, where sports usually rule! She has taught our family that Heavenly Father gives us each unique gifts and it's our responsibility to develop them. Savannah likes to be challenged and finds joy when she memorizes certain music pieces. This past year she has loved playing on Sunday's at the Lakeridge Senior Living where her Uncle Bob Freeze is a member of the Bishopric. She shares her love of music with her siblings...they often gather round to hear her play or she sits with them and helps them through their piano practice.
Savannah is a great friend and loves adventure! She loves to ride rollercoasters at Lagoon, go snow skiing in the winter, wake boarding in the summer, run cross country, and play basketball with her teammates, the "Cameron Crazies". Her claim to fame is posting positive quotes on her instagram, which she has tagged "Jaells Jems" after her middle name "Jaell". Hannah loves to learn and help others...she tells us that she would like to be a Pediatrician when she grows up! "
Just two weeks ago, our Piano Academy students visited Jamestown Assisted Living Facility in Provo to perform as part of our Community Outreach program. While there, Savannah made it a point to go introduce herself and talk to several residents who were there to listen. Savannah radiates that kind of love everywhere she goes, and we're so lucky to have her here!