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Winter & Company

The Mazzella Family Piano!

The Mazzella Family Piano!

My name is Vincent Mazzella, I'm a High School student. Got my first piano about a year ago. It's from 1960 and doesn't sound great. My family struggles with money so we can't afford for the piano to get restored and restring. I play piano, have been playing it for 12 years, I'm self taught. I've been wanting my piano to get fixed up to it's original condition with a different dark wood finish, but I can't afford it and my family can't either. Especially because my dad has parkensons and dementia so a lot of the money goes to medical bills.

This piano was my neighbors. They were going to throw it out to the dump because they where renovating their house, bur I saw it and asked if I can have it because I've always wanted a piano and to fix it up and use it. I've never been able to afford one and they were nice enough to give it to me for free. My dad used to play piano when he was a kid, and my grandma used to play some here and there before she passed. This pianos has been from he'll and back. When I got it the kegs where broken, bench was missing a leg, hammers were broken, out of shape, dampers didn't work, but I've fixed it temporarily. But want to get it restored. The piano is a different wood finish on the inside, and the key cover has a different brand name on the inside with a different finish. It says "Janssen"

  • YEAR 1960-1970
  • MAKE Winter & Company
  • SERIAL NUMBER 177760
  • FINISH Metallic Gold Wood
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