Congratulations to our Honors students!
Karmel LarsonShare
The past month has been a busy one for our Honors Division students! In Utah County there are several different competitions and festivals between February and March. This year our Honors students participated in the Utah Federation of Music Clubs' Jr. Festival and the Achievement in Music (AIM) program sponsored by the Utah Music Teachers Association - with incredible results! Each of our students who performed for Jr. Festival received a Superior rating, the highest of five possible scores, and all students who participated in AIM achieved scores of 90 or above (out of 100) in areas including performance, technique, and sight-reading. We are so proud of all of our Honors students who practiced and studied so hard for these evaluations!
We're also happy to share that three of our students - Jessica, Colin, and Mikayla - were nominated to play in Honors recitals for one of these two events! In each event, the judges chose the students who they felt were the best performers to share their hard work in an exclusive Honors Recital a few days after the festival itself. Congratulations to these three and their parents for a job VERY well done.
If you think your child might be interested in participating in the Honors Division of the Piano Academy, let us know! Honors students receive additional lesson time and have many additional performance opportunities, including these festivals. Our Academy teachers nominate students each August to participate in the Honors Division, but parents can request a nomination at any time by meeting with our Piano Academy Directors. Click here to read more about the Honors Division or just give us a call at 385-219-0774!